Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Five Benefits of Target Shooting

Nate Crain, president of Dallas-based Crain Information Systems, spends his spare time supporting his community, sitting on the board of directors of multiple organizations. When not dedicating his time to work or charity, Nate Crain enjoys the outdoors, target shooting around his Texas home. For those who enjoy this activity, here are four ways it can benefit health and well-being. 

1. It improves focus. When shooting, keeping both eyes on the target is key, thinking only about hitting the mark and forgetting everything else. This greatly improves one’s ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

2. It strengthens the body. Target shooting increases arm strength from holding the gun steady for long periods of time. It also improves hand-eye coordination, stamina and motor skills. 

3. It improves mental stamina. Shooting is primarily a mental sport, with most of the time spent preparing for the target. It involves problem-solving and creative thinking to effectively hit the mark.

4. It inspires personal responsibility. Any sport involving a gun requires a large amount of safety preparation and constant vigilance. It's important to protect not only oneself while participating, but those nearby.